Over the last week, I have migrated this website from Wordpress to Octopress. Wordpress has served me well over the last year, but it was starting to feel bloated and an overkill for my requirements. I really like the simplicity of Octopress. The blog posts are written in Markdown and the final result is a static HTML site. I have also been spending some time learning Ruby, and this gave me a chance to become more familiar with the ecosystem.
Besides the information available on the Octopress website, here are the steps I had to take:
- Install Octopress.
- Download Exitwp and install its dependencies.
- Upgrade Wordpress install to version later than 3.1 to be compatible with Exitwp.
- Enable Disqus on Wordpress and export comments. Also, disqus was configured in the Octopress configuration.
- In Wordpress, under Tools->Export, generate an xml file for the website. Run Exitwp on this file to generate the posts in Markdown.
- The comments are turned off in these posts. I ran the following script (found in comments here) in terminal to turn comments on:
for I in *.markdown; do sed -i '' -e ':a' -e 'N' -e '$!ba' -e 's/\n---\n/\ comments: true\ ---\ /' "$I";
- Generate aliases for posts/pages if you want to maintain your old urls by adding the Jekyll Alias Generator plugin.
- Deploy to heroku.
- Point domain to heroku.